An integral part of spiritual life on the 皇冠体育官网 campus is the chapel program, involving students from 3K through 12th grade. On a weekly basis, three separate large group chapels take place across our campus—pre-school/elementary, middle, and high school—providing students with an opportunity to engage in a corporate time of worship through music and teaching from God’s Word.
There are three types of chapel gatherings at 皇冠体育官网: large group chapels, small group chapels (known as Viking Circles), and Breakouts.

Viking Circles
Viking Circles are literal circles of between eight and twelve middle or high school students, led by at least one TEAM 皇冠体育官网 member. The idea for Viking Circles is based on Mark 3:31-35, where several people are sitting in a circle with Jesus.
Viking Circles exist to create an environment where every student is seen, known, and loved, thereby preventing students from falling through the cracks. Furthermore, each student is provided with a “touch point,” that is, a TEAM 皇冠体育官网 member they can turn to when life is difficult.

Breakouts focus primarily on 5th-12th grade students. Grade-level Breakouts involve one or two male TEAM 皇冠体育官网 members speaking with one grade of male students, while at the same time, one or two female TEAM 皇冠体育官网 members share with one grade of female students. The goal is for each grade-level to experience one or two Breakouts per semester.
Breakouts provide opportunities to look into the eyes of a group of students, building relationships with them and talking with them about specific topics that relate to what they are struggling with, questions they have, and so on.

Viking Worship Team
The worship team at 皇冠体育官网 consists of middle and high school students who desire to use their musical talents to glorify God through large group chapels, Pop-Up Praise events across campus, and local nursing homes, among other places.
Each fall, before the school year begins, the worship team participates in a Worship Boot Camp, where the team learns more about what worship is from Scripture, practices songs for the upcoming school year, builds team unity, and much more.
In order to be considered for the worship team, students must apply and audition at the end of the spring semester. For more information on participating in the worship team, please contact Dr. Jordan (stephen.jordan@alekta-tour.com) or Mr. Hutcheson (brayden.hutcheson@alekta-tour.com).

Spiritual Emphasis Week
During 皇冠体育官网’s annual Spiritual Emphasis Week (SEW), students attend daily chapels featuring a guest speaker who uplifts, inspires, and encourages them in their faith journey. SEW is school-wide, with daily pre-school/elementary chapels, as well as middle and high school chapels.
Other Opportunities for Growth
Community Service
Serving Others
皇冠体育官网’s service program is distinctive in that it focuses on distressed populations through mission/service trips, direct service, and indirect support of ministry agencies.
Leadership Programs
Developing Leaders
皇冠体育官网 offers multiple opportunities for students to develop godly leadership.
Sharing the Gospel
皇冠体育官网 students complete a mission trip in high school, either within the Macon community or elsewhere.